AI for Prophets not Profits... 👍

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How are you handling privacy? Can you ensure that it is impossible for anyone in your organization to theoretically have access to an individuals data or conversation? Even if hacked. Do you have access? Can you pass the gun to the head test of data privacy and data security?

Because you are asking for very sensitive data from users.

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Hello Sean, I have just subscribed to your blog. I too have a blog on substack which I develop along with my daughter Elena (who is a patent holder in AI) I would like to suggest that you subscribe to mine as well. I can recommend this post:https://everythingbots.substack.com/p/the-afterlife-of-experts

I have also done an interesting experiment with creating a virtual Pele (the great football star). I used Emoshape. I would be interested in your comments.

Best wishes,

Stephen H. Haliczer

Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus

Northern Illinois University

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This is big thinking at the level that is needed. Could this model fit into the framework of transhumanism?

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This is truly visionary!

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